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Simple Makeup as an Everyday Look. How Do You Achieve It?

Foundation brush:

“I am not perfect, but my makeup is”, said no one ever! Girls who are fond of makeup know the struggle. We spend hours to make our makeup look perfect, but they never do. As a result, our makeup ends up looking messy. However, the truth is that there’s no need for our makeup to look perfect. A simple makeup will do. It will help you get by every day.


The Rule of Makeup

Daily make-up should not be too much. Or else, we lose our natural touch and look too fake. Unless you like to look totally fake and plastic, then you can keep doing whatever you are doing.

However, if you want to look natural, keep it in between. Let the simple makeup do the magic and hide the tragic. Never be shy of your natural lashes because they are yours. They’re original, and they will never fall off when you shower!

The only way to escape your lash problems is by finding the mascara that fits your lashes. Go and do eyelash shopping, and try to find your lashes soul mate. Hey, don’t worry! It took me quite a time till I figured what mascara suits me best. Just be patient and you will find yours in no time.

The issue is not only your lashes or your mascara. Your facial foundation is also an important factor that will set up the natural glow of your face. You need to find the right shade of foundation that will match the natural skin tone of your face. Also, you will need to find a brand that will not easily come off. After all, you want your natural makeup to stay throughout the day.

Oh no! What about eyebrows, lipsticks, blushes, and eyeshadows? Indeed, there are a lot of things that a girl needs to consider when doing her makeup. Regardless of how you do your makeup, always remember to go for a simple makeup, especially for your everyday look.