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Why Whole bean Coffee vs Ground Coffee

whole beans vs ground coffee

whole beans vs ground coffee



Coffee lovers need to understand, that ground coffee oxidizes and loses the meaning of true coffee taste. However whole beans keep their essence. It is mandatory to grind your beans on demand and brew them within 2-5 minutes if you truly want to experience the real beauty of coffee. The difference between whole beans vs ground coffee is massive. The roasters specialized in Speciality Coffee buy green coffee beans that are graded by experts after the harvesting.

All the coffee beans that didn’t pass the grading, go for the commercial market at a much cheaper rate. Commercial brands then, roast those coffee beans darker in order to burn away and hide the bad tastes of those beans. This is when your face goes sour when you taste that kind of coffee.


Ground Coffee vs Whole Beans

– that you buy every day in the store, is just roasted coffee, which lost 60% of taste, flavor, and beneficial qualities in just 15minutes since it has become ground. That is how fast the quality of coffee drops. And it turns out you are just drinking a coffee, thinking coffee is just a coffee. You are far mistaken, as coffee has far more benefits than just getting you energized by loading you in with caffeine.


Arabica Whole beans

Arabica beans are considered to be the finest quality coffee due to their smooth, rich flavor and least bitterness compared with Robusta. This is why Arabica is like a fine merlot wine when compared to other types of wines.

Since I started drinking specialty coffee I call it, you can say whole beans coffee freshly ground daily and brew them in my favorite Hario V60 with paper filter – the smoothest and richest true flavors and aromas – OH MY! since then I experienced a big difference between the Ground Coffee and the Coffee Beans. I must be too spoilt, to go back to tasteless, ground coffee which has been sitting on the shelves for god knows for how long. God knows how long did it take for those beans to be packed and roasted and etc…

Now I understand the beauty of Coffee Shops that are specialized in Specialty Coffee and this is why was created to sort the need of going to the cafe to enjoy the specialty coffee at home, right in your kitchen. Home delivery of coffee accessories and coffee beans is made easy. My only go-to place.

You can also read more about why not to buy a GROUND COFFEE on



I learned coffee has so many benefits and thought you should know too.

  1. It boosts physical performance.
  2. Helps you to lose fat by balancing your sugar level, and reducing your sugar craving.
  3. Caffeine helps you burn fat, by breaking the fat cells.
  4. Moderate caffeine intake also helps you to focus and stay mentally alert.
  5. Lowers the premature deaths by 25% as the study states.
  6. Guess what reduces the risk of a stroke
  7. As well as prevents Parkinson’s to somewhat level.
  8. Lowers the risk of Diabetes 2 and Alzheimer
  9. Brightens your mood by preventing a level of suicide.
  10. Anti-Oxidants! Isn’t that what we all look for in food nowadays?


Vitamin B12 (riboflavin)


Polyphenols (Anti-Inflammatory which is another big topic that you must know about because your body fights against it every single day!)

2% of the RDA for Niacin (B3) and Thiamine (B1)

6% of the RDA for Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)

3% of the RDA for Potassium and Manganese

11% of the RDA for Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)


However, we should not forget drinking too much coffee is not good for our health. According to American Diet Guidelines, you should not exceed 3-5 cups daily, on average 400g of Caffeine, and 226 grams (8 ounces) brewed cup of coffee contains approximately 95g of Caffeine. Long story short coffee is as healthy as tea is, and the only difference is it just has a bit more caffeine compared to green tea.